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How to Improve Customer Service: Featuring Dave Claflin


CEO of Fastest Labs®, Dave Claflin, was featured in an article titled, “Does Your Customer Experience Strategy Need Some Help?” by Geoff Williams of This article focuses on the importance of having a comprehensive customer experience strategy, in order to benefit and drive your franchise business. At Fastest Labs®, we believe nothing is quite as important as customer service, and we pride ourselves on our impeccable reputation of excellence in how we treat our customers--an ideal imparted on us by Dave himself.

The article highlighted the following points:

  • Ask your customers how you can improve
  • Tweak your customer experience strategy regularly
  • Treat your employees well

Regarding the first point, Dave stated the following: “Ask your clients to be honest and give you the privilege of knowing what is their number one problem they are having with your service. Find out by studying where the log jam occurs and causes frustration within your industry and solve the problem. Then make it your mission to shine the light on how you are solving their concerns by offering a better customer experience.” He went on to state, “Every service industry has a reputation and or stereotype for poor service and causing irritation to the end client. So look hard and dig deep and figure out what is plaguing your service industry and build on that shortfall."

Dave’s expertise has made him an invaluable element in Fastest Labs®, and he imparts on us the importance of prioritizing customer service and care above all else. Additionally, he feels there is no true success without offering your employees the same kind of treatment. “We learned that to offer the best service, you have to show you care about your clients' needs but also the needs of your employees.”

If you are interested in reaching our team at Fastest Labs®, please don’t hesitate to contact us by calling (210) 361-7778.