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Dave Claflin & Workplace Safety


In the October 2017 issue of Franchising World, our very own Fastest Labs® CEO, Dave Claflin, was featured for his article, “How Your Franchise Can Stay Head of Workplace Safety Trends.” In this comprehensive guide, Dave highlights the importance of creating a safe work environment for your employees. Dave strives to prioritize the health and safety of his workers, and with this article, he can impart that wisdom and advice to fellow franchisors or franchisees.

The following are the top points highlighted in Dave’s article:

  • The importance of a background check – As a franchisor or franchisee, it is important you know as best as possible the history of the person whom you are hiring. By knowing important information regarding your potential employee’s past, you can make an informed, beneficial decision.
  • Comprehensive training programs are a must – It is vital your training program is comprehensive, thorough, and clear. It must also highlight various government safety regulations, as well as your own personal knowledge regarding how to conduct practices as safely as possible. In your training program, you can focus on the dangers of partaking in drugs and alcohol at the work place, or even rely on the help of a professional to relay this information to your employees.
  • Drug screenings – Dave also believes it is essential you conduct drug screening at 4 stages: pre-employment, post-accident, as a result of reasonable suspicion, and at random. This will ensure your employees are maintaining drug and alcohol-free lifestyles.
  • Don’t get careless – Once you have begun your program, it is essential you maintain it on a regular basis. This is especially important if you have not yet found an employee slipping up--this does not mean your company is immune to the dangers of an employee who is under the influence.

Overall, Dave believes workplace safety should be of the utmost priority for any franchisor or franchisee, as it is absolutely crucial to the productivity and profit of a company. If you are considering drug and alcohol testing for your employees, we at Fastest Labs® can help. With over 22 locations in 8 states, we will accommodate you and your company’s needs and best interests above all.

To read more about what Dave has to say on workplace safety, click here. Speak to a member of our Fastest Labs® team by calling (210) 361-7778.